LIMITLESS 2011 : Can You Handle It?

"They have identified a receptor in the brain that trigger on a certain way. they say that we can access only 20% of our brain. This pill allows all of it.". Imagine that. The premise is intriguing, huh?

We normally interact the way we used to be. Maybe we could change something on ourselves. Attitude, that's it. However, I realized that there's always something left. That is the 80% of our brain! How is it true? Can a piece of pill make a difference? Well, its only a fiction. But a fiction may have few facts. Who experts could say that? Having a big brain is not enough? Is it necessarily mean that a genius use the 100%?

Film is based on the 2001 novel "The Dark Fields" by Alan Glyn. I haven't yet read that one. Although it is purely fictional, I can't help but to think the few possibilities. Its a compliment when the film made the audience think of "the experience far beyond" having a piece of pill. It's only degrading when one thinks it's only a drug like crank. Some part seemed to be exaggerated. A man can think as if he's at the top of the world and he can control anything like a superman (not the Man of Steel). A good point though here in the story is the use of ironic but realistic situation wherein the protagonist can decide his fate. For instance, Eddie (Bradley Cooper), before he got the pill, had been dumped by her girlfriend Lindy (Abbie Cornish) but lately successfully got her back after he became "superman".

Abbie Cornish might have few scenes with him, but it doesn't mean she's out of the picture. She did well in balancing extremities in plot. I have to see her more in Sucker Punch.

You may appreciate each line that Eddie delivered in some crucial moments. It's highly technical and appears to be exciting and appealing. I literally had risen from the edge of my seat seeing how things would be going to happen. Bradley Cooper nailed it! One the remarkable scene was when Eddie took a test with Carl Van Loon (Robert De Niro).

Some critics react negatively towards the Cooper and De Niro tandem, I can't find the best reason for that. In my opinion, Bradley (same as his role in The Hangover) used his charm and funny side. On the other hand, Robert stood on being a man that can't be moved and more or less serious than to Fockers. Just figure few of the angles and surely you will appreciate the tandem.

For a one and half hours rough, the development of the plot went conventional. However it never came to the point that you would lose interest instead you would find yourself deeply absorbed.


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